On average 46% of employees suffer from back pain.  

In some specific industries this is even higher, such as in construction, logistics, sales, dental practice, nursing,  hospitality, and manufacturing. 

The implications are far reaching both in terms of absenteeism and presenteeism (working while sick), but also mental health complications, productivity loss and ultimately lack of job satisfaction.  Yet, most companies only focus their wellness programs on mental health thereby missing the physical aspect which is key for a healthy balance.

Support your team’s physical and mental health with Healactively's targeted solution for managing back discomfort, turning it into a measurable aspect of your wellness initiatives.  Track progress and see the direct impact on your employee engagement!

Back pain significantly impacts a company's performance, leading to lost productivity and increased healthcare costs.  According to studies: 

  • Back pain is the leading cause of absenteeism and loss of productivity
  • Back pain sufferers are absent 50% more
  •  7% who have a back pain episode will not return to work before 6 months
  • This represents an average loss per year of EUR/CHF 5,000 per employee with back pain 

With an aging workforce on the rise, it is critical to address the well-being needs of employees and to measure the results of back wellness initiatives. 

Healactively targeted solutions help support  employees' quality of life, motivation,  and productivity while giving you 5X to 10 X ROI. 

Back pain often results from a sedentary lifestyle and long hours behind a computer, especially with the reality of remote and hybrid work. It may also result from repetitive postures or movements at work or overexertion doing sport, gardening or weight training. 

Ergonomic fixes alone aren't enough—it takes lifestyle changes and practicing small daily healthy habits personalized for your needs, symptoms and pain triggers to build a strong back.  

This is the strength of Healactively. 

Healactively guides you through these changes, boosting your well-being which result in better quality of life, better job satisfaction and overall well-being.

Healactively for every organization 

Personalized, safe program

Healactively provides a personalized back wellness program tailored to each employee's unique goals, needs, symptoms, pain triggers and medical history. All the exercises, meditation and relaxation techniques are guided, and each exercise can be adapted, which makes the user feel safe and secure.

Backed by 50+ years' of scientific evidence

Rooted in decades of research by leading back experts such as Dr. Stuart McGill, Robin McKenzie, and Prof. Peter O’Sullivan,  Healactively leverages proven methods from our CEO’s personal recovery journey to deliver effective results.


Every element of the program has been reviewed and approved by healthcare professionals, doctors, pain specialists and physiotherapists. This includes Noah Köppel, our Senior Physiotherapist, who is a practioner at Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland, and Research Associate at OST (Switzerland). 

Proven outcomes  

Healactively's program, tested with hundreds of users, shows quick wins in the first two weeks of the program.  For employees with persistent back pain using the program 2-3 months up to 4x per week for 10min at a time it also shows significant quality of life improvements.  30% of our users maintain their daily routines long term to enjoy a pain-free lifestyle.

Holistic approach 

Healactively integrates exercises, meditation, relaxation, walking programs, and education—into a single, comprehensive personalized solution, supporting more complete physical and mental care.


Healactively complies as wellness device with all applicable regulations (GDPR and privacy laws), is approved by Apple & Google worldwide and protects users' personal health information with strong encryption.  Users maintain full control and privacy of their health data and only anonymous data is shared with companies for tracking or research purposes.

Seamless integration  

Healactively’s specialized focus on back pain allows for smooth integration into your broader wellness strategy. It complements general wellness programs by addressing a critical health issue that often goes under the radar.

Sustainable habits 

Our program is designed to help users build lasting habits for a strong back. Unlike passive treatments such as massage or acupuncture, which offer only temporary relief, Healactively empowers employees with active, self-managed approaches that produce long-term results.

Practical, flexible

Employees can easily incorporate Healactively into their daily routine, practicing at home or wherever convenient. The program adapts to individual goals and adjusts exercises based on each user’s needs and progress and is available 24/7.


While user data remains anonymous and secure, aggregated data can be used to drive evidence-based improvements, benefiting both companies and insurers. Employees also have the option to share their progress with healthcare professionals for coordinated care.

Read more from our blog

Are you ready to help your workforce build strong back habits?

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