5 things to change in a sedentary lifestyle when dealing with back pain

5 things to change in a sedentary lifestyle when dealing with back pain

Written by:  Liz Wullems-Griffioen, CMO Healactively

Reviewed by:  Noah Köppel, Physiotherapist (Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland) and Research Associate (Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences - OST) 

Emma found herself trapped in the never-ending routine of her office job in central London. Each day she found herself having to work harder to meet an increasing number of deadlines, which once again meant postponing her new year’s resolution to go to the gym twice per week, finding herself eating lunch at her desk yet again…. A lifestyle quietly laying the groundwork for a persistent, niggling discomfort in her life. This discomfort, unfortunately known all too well by many, is back pain—a condition deeply intertwined with the sedentary lifestyles that characterize our modern era and which have become so much more pronounced since COVID.

The Real Challenge of Back Pain

Recent studies underscore the alarming link between sedentary behavior and the risk of developing back pain. Research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology reveals that individuals with sedentary occupations are 54% more likely to suffer from lower back pain compared to those with more active lifestyles. This stark statistic paints a clear picture: our technology-driven, sedentary lifestyles are propelling an increase in back pain cases across the globe, affecting the quality of life for those who are suffering back pain, and costing organizations loss of productivity.

Prolonged Sitting and Poor Posture

The hallmark of a sedentary lifestyle is extended periods of sitting, which often lead to detrimental posture habits. Slouching and bending over digital devices cause muscle imbalances and escalate spinal pressure, contributing to the onset of back pain.

The Consequences of Inactivity

A sedentary lifestyle is frequently accompanied by insufficient physical activity, leading to weakened back muscles, diminished flexibility, and an inadequate support structure for the spine, thereby elevating the risk of chronic back pain.

Empowering Preventative Strategies

1:  Get up and move a bit every day

Probably the most critical component of counteracting the adverse effects of prolonged sitting is incorporating brief stretches or walks into one's daily schedule. It’s as simple as that. Alternatives like standing desks encourage improved posture and can significantly alleviate back strain, but for a cost-free immediately available solution moving and stretching throughout the day is the best place to start.

2: Adopt a Regular Exercise Regimen

A consistent routine focusing on core strengthening and flexibility exercises can markedly lower the risk of developing chronic back pain, supporting a healthier spine and overall body function.

3: Never underestimate the healing power of sleep

We all know why sleep is important, and that it actively helps the body’s healing process. The challenge for those suffering from back pain is that sleep becomes more complicated because it’s more difficult to find comfortable positions to sleep in. Small improvements in one’s sleeping environment, and rituals before going to sleep can go a long way to getting the required 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

4: Are you managing your stress well?

This topic is as much a question of mindset and meditation as it is of being aware of triggers our body sends us when under stress. Starting to be aware of the mind-body connection helps to understand what stress triggers are in one’s life or situation, and what may be causing back pain episodes to flair up. Mindfulness and meditation coupled with deep breathing can work together in a way that helps ease some stress, for back pain management.

5: Create an Ergonomic Workspace

An ergonomically optimized workspace, can also contribute to mitigating the impacts of prolonged sitting, if done so alongside the other suggestions presented earlier in this article. Creating an ergonomic workspace means having proper chair support, appropriate desk height, and optimal computer monitor positioning to foster a back-friendly work environment.

As we navigate the impact of sedentary living, it becomes evident that chronic back pain is a significant and recurring issue, silently affecting the lives of countless individuals. By adopting proactive measures—integrating movement into our daily lives, committing to regular exercise, making sure to have healthy sleeping habits, managing stress levels and rethinking our workspace design—we have the power to alter this narrative.

Healactively supports those suffering back pain by offering a personalized, evidence-based, holistic program approach to managing one’s back wellness. Beginning with a self-assessment, an evidence-based program is generated, inspired by the McGill method of physiotherapy. A second component of the personalized program targets mental support, including how to cope with pain, manage stress and improve sleep. We take the user/patient-experience approach very seriously by offering recommendations on ergonomics, how to deal with a back pain episode, and other useful tools. All exercises in the program are vetted by our Clinician, Noah Koeppel, from OST University in Switzerland, and Physiotherapist in a team specializing in Back Pain and Mental Health at Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland.

Take the Healactively Self-Assessment to see what a non-invasive program customized to your specific back wellness needs looks like.